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Industry benchmark
Updated over 3 months ago

Amélio offers the possibility to compare mobilization factors and sub-factors with companies in the same industry as yours.

''Permissions'' allow account administrators to define who has access to this comparator function. In this article, you'll find information on how to use the industry comparator effectively.

Access the Industry Benchmark.

In the Segments report, you can click on Open Report Options above the results and then activate the Industry benchmark.

Don't forget to click on the factors to analyze the sub-factors. This will give you a more accurate picture of your situation in comparison to your industry.

Note: The level of engagement of the reference industry is not available. Due to distinctions between organizations, this data would not be sufficiently representative.

Conditions for the Accessibility of the Industry Benchmark:

  1. You must have selected your industry when opening your account. You can also change it from the ''Admin'' - ''Company details'' tab.

  2. You must select a specific survey rather than the "All Surveys" value in the survey selector at the top right in the segments report.

Industry Benchmark Comparator Types

The different industry types for the comparator are as follows:

  1. Retail and restoration services (stores, on-site customer service, etc.).

  2. Public and municipal services (cities, municipalities, government departments and public institutions, etc...).

  3. Manufacturing & distribution (manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, etc...).

  4. Education (educational sector, training establishments, day-care centers, etc...).

  5. Non-Profit Organizations (foundations, NGOs, cultural organizations, public vocations, etc.).

  6. Technology and computer science (software development, technological solutions, etc.).

  7. Professional Services (evaluation, law, accounting, finance, or consulting services involving the establishment of a relationship with the customer).

Comparator Survey Types

The industry comparator is segmented by survey type to compare the right items to each other. The possible survey types are:

  • Engagement

  • Crisis management

  • Remote Work

  • Remarkable Employer (available only to clients who have applied to the Remarkable Employer standard)

  • Total Compensation (available only to clients who have completed the Total Compensation measurement exercise in their organization)

Note: Only the Amélio team can assign a survey type and this is done when the survey is consistent with the usual measure from a comparison perspective.

If a survey is of the "Unassigned" type, then the comparison measure will be an engagement survey, but the results of that survey will not be included in the industry comparator for other clients.

In other words, you will be able to see the industry comparison for that survey, but it will not impact the comparator data.

Reference Industry

The comparator is constantly evolving over the weeks with the addition of new organizations and the completion of new surveys.

As of October 2023, the comparator included over 500 organizations ranging in size from small organizations with less than 50 employees to large organizations with 10,000 employees. These organizations are divided into 7 distinct industries.
It is not possible to display a comparator by geographic area or organization size.

Roles and Access to the Feature

By default, access to the Industry Comparator is only available to the Administrator and HR Employee roles.

You can easily decide who should have access to this feature in the permissions page if you have created other roles or want to share this feature with your managers.

Click on Admin and then Roles. Then select the role you want to edit and assign the following permission:

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