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The number of employees on my report is different from the actual number of employees.
The number of employees on my report is different from the actual number of employees.
Updated over a week ago

It is perfectly normal for the number of employees displayed in the Overview or Segments report to be different from the actual number of employees in your team.

Why is this number different?

The number of employees displayed on your reports corresponds to the number of unique users who received the survey during the selected period in the analysis. In other words, this number does not correspond to the current number of employees under you, but rather the number of employees who received the survey.

For example, a different number of employees may be seen when there has been a turnover of staff in the team, a test user has been added, or a user has changed their email address during an import without prior processing in the platform.

Example scenario

To illustrate, let's take the example of a manager who currently has 52 employees in their HR software. However, in their default view of the last 3 months, they see 54 employees:

This difference is explained by the fact that 2 employees left or changed teams over a month ago and were replaced by new recruits since then. Although the team now has 52 employees, it was indeed 54 different employees who participated in the surveys over the last 6 months.

By filtering on a more recent period, where there was no turnover, the number of 52 employees is found.

In conclusion, the larger the analysis period, the higher the number of employees displayed is likely to be due to staff turnover or team changes.

However, this difference is perfectly normal since the analysis report reflects the situation for all individuals who were part of your team during the selected period.

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