All results can be analyzed by demographic attributes, such as department name, job title, or location. These are saved in user profiles so that the results are linked to each demographic attribute and allow for more accurate analysis.
Editing demographic attribute values.
To access the demographic attributes of your organization, click on Administration → Account. Note that you must have the role of company administrator to access this page.
Your demographic attributes will be displayed at the top of the page. Click on one of these attributes to modify its values.
All results can be analyzed by demographic attributes, such as department name, job title, or location. These are saved in user profiles so that results are linked to each demographic attribute and enable more accurate analysis.
Modifying demographic attribute values
To access your organization's demographic attributes, click on Administration → Account. Note that you must have the company administrator role to access this page.
Your demographic attributes will be displayed at the top of the page. Click on one of these attributes to modify its values.
Note: Amélio has default demographic attributes and their names cannot be changed. Default demographic attributes cannot be deleted.
The default demographic attributes are:
Job title
Employee level
Workplace location
Age group
Years of service
To add a new custom demographic attribute, click on Create a new attribute. You can add up to 6 custom demographic attributes.
Modifying the translation of a demographic attribute
Click on a demographic attribute to edit the translation of its name or values.
The left column represents the demographic attribute in your organization's default language, while the right column represents the translations of the demographic attribute.
Note: It is not mandatory to add translations for demographic attributes. If you don't add any translations, the platform will display the default language value.