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Interpreting the Engagement Results from the Overview Page
Interpreting the Engagement Results from the Overview Page
Updated over a week ago

The platform's Overview page shows the highlights of the engagement results. This report presents your team's strengths as well as areas that require improvement for a given time period(It also displays the score for each of the engagement factor).

These sections have been broken down into groups that will be detailed in this article.

Presentation of the Engagement Factors Groups

As a reminder, each question in the survey is linked to an engagement factor. These factors have been grouped together: Company, Relationships and Growth.

  • Company

    The engagement factors in the Company group refer to everything that affects the company in general.

    In other words, the scores in this block reflect the employees' opinion of the elements of the organizational culture that will stimulate and motivate them, as well as the various internal conditions and operating modes that will promote quality work within the organization.

  • Relationships

    The engagement factors of the Relationships group refer to everything related to social interactions within the organization, at various levels. They include employees' perceptions of the quality of their relationships with their colleagues and managers, as well as their appreciation of the atmosphere and their sense of belonging to their team.

  • Growth

    The factors in the Growth group are factors related to the employees and their well-being, how they feel about the organization and their job. The scores in this block then reflect employees' perceptions of the impact of their job on them as well as their sense of the impact of their work on the organization.

This section of the Engagement Report allows you to identify priority issues for which action could be taken.

Additonnal Information 💡

To read the complete definition of the 12 engagement factors and 38 sub-factors used in Amélio, click here!

And to find out how grades are calculated, read our article here.

Responsibility & Action

The three engagement factors groups also allow you to identify the themes that could be considered when action plans are created.

The Relationships and Growth groups are important for managers because they can have an immediate impact on the issues identified by employees. These categories help us find the different sources of employee irritation on a daily basis and are thus able to address them quickly when an issue arises.

For example, if employees have reported dissatisfaction with their opportunities for advancement within the company, the manager could discuss this with the employees during individual meetings, in order to identify their strengths for another position.

The Company group generally requests more cross-functional initiatives. These measures will affect a variety of teams and will be more related to changes in company-wide procedures, such as programs or organizational communication tools.

For example, if employees have mentioned the feeling of not being involved in management decisions, senior management could define a way to integrate all employees, such as: involving them during the next strategic planning exercise.

The courses of action will then be taken at a higher level of the organization and will often mobilize different sectors.

Reminder: Improvement actions do not necessarily require complicated procedures or a lot of time. Sometimes naming an issue at a meeting or discussing possible solutions with the team shows that the challenge is considered. For ideas, visit the Action Plan section of your Amélio platform.

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