Overview of the results
To facilitate the reading of the results presented in the Overview page and to allow you to identify at a glance your team's strengths and levers for action, a color code has been established:
📗 A score of 7.5 and above will be marked in green: In other words, these are items for which employees have positive perceptions. These are generally good indicators, which can be further reinforced by maintaining the actions already in place or by developing new initiatives to bring the organizational strengths to life.
📒 A score between 6 and 7.5 will be marked in yellow: the results were more mixed among the respondents. These are the elements to be watched out.
📕 A score of less then 6 will be marked in red: these are the elements for which the scores were more negative and for which solutions should be considered quickly.
To find out more about how the scores are calculated, see our article.
Segmented results
A similar color code is shown in the results on the Segmented page. A heat map based on the score displays a color code according to a set interval for each score.
Shades of green: 7.5 and over
Pale shades of red: 6 to 7.5
Dark shades of red: Less than 6