How to Download the Insights Report
Updated over a week ago

The success of an engagement process depends fon employees' involvement, which requires sharing of results and open discussion.

A presentation of the results enables employees and their managers to exchange ideas, and encourages a collective search for solutions and monitoring of progress.

You can provide your teams or managers a summary of the highlights of your engagement surveys in PowerPoint format.

To download the Insights Report

To download the automated engagement report, simply follow these steps:

  1. From the left-hand menu, select the Results page, then click on Insights Report;

  2. Select the desired parameters:

    1. The audience

    2. The survey you wish to view or all your surveys

    3. The reporting period

  3. Select the report to download: Global or Sector Report

    For the Sector Report, select the desired segmentation attribute (e.g. by job title or by department)

  4. Click on Insights Report

  5. Once the report has been generated, you will receive an e-mail to download the report in PowerPoint.

To download Insights Reports in batch

This feature allows you to download all reports for individual managers or departments, for example.

This is useful if managers do not have access to the platform.

You can access this feature by clicking on the arrow on the Insights Report button.

Downloaded reports will be saved on the automated reports page for 10 days. They will also be visible in notifications.

What is the difference between the global report and the sector report?

The global report generates question results based on all employees included in the audience. This report is therefore the most relevant for a manager.

The sector report presents the distribution by team for each question. This report is therefore preferable for presentations to senior management, for example.

The detailed report by question presents all the questions and the answers given for each of them.

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