In the innovation module lets you categorize shared suggestions using tags.
This makes it easier to navigate through them from the Suggestions tab.
You can create category labels to filter the suggestions received, whether by theme or feasibility potential, for example.
To add/modify a Label
To add a label, hover your cursor over a suggestion and a label icon will appear. By clicking on the icon, you can perform the following actions:
Select the appropriate label from the existing categories.
Create a new label.
Modify or delete a label.
Search for a label using the search bar.
Navigate through Labels
To focus on certain categories of suggestions, simply select one or more categories by clicking on them at the top of the Suggestions page to control which tag categories will appear.
You can also use the Filters tool at the top of the Suggestions page, to the right of the category options, to display suggestions according to their audience.
The filters at the top of the screen also allow you to view ideas according to:
Chronological order (newest to oldest)
Popularity of ideas, those with the most reactions. 🤩
➡️En displaying the most popular ideas, it will be possible for management, for example, to determine which ones can be implemented, in line with your strategic plan.
The categories you've created
Suggestion audience
By default, suggestions will be sorted in chronological order, from the most recent to the least recent.