Your Organizational Health Dashboard

This article summarizes important engagement indicators. Access can be given to specific users or all managers.

Updated over a week ago

Organizational Health Dashboard

Your Organizational Health dashboard summarizes the essential results of your organization that are dependent on engagement. Among other things, you will find:

  • Your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) score;

  • Your employees' intentions to leave within the next two years;

  • The quality of Amelio's result tracking.

Overview of the module

The module uses the results of certain questions in your regular surveys to create the dashboard.

Like all results in Amelio, the dashboard displays results in real-time for the selected period in the filters. We recommend asking the questions in your dashboard regularly to maintain constant visibility on these important indicators.

As a general rule for a monthly survey, we recommend asking these questions every four occurrences.

Refer to the article Asking a question at a specific occurence to establish an automatic frequency for a question.

Accessing the Dashboard

Access to the dashboard is flexible and can be given to specific users or all managers. We recommend giving access to all managers since the results are relevant to their involvement in the mobilization initiative.

The dashboard is disabled by default, and you must activate it to use it.

To activate the module, go to the Administration menu, then Permissions.

Follow the instructions on the screen to select the questions that will be included in the dashboard.

Note that specialized questions have default sub-questions to capture additional information from employees when they provide positive or constructive feedback.

You will need to select each sub-question to identify the one that mentions positive feedback and the one that mentions constructive feedback.

  1. On the line of the role you want to modify, click on the downward arrow to display more options and then click on edit.

  2. In the Dashboard: Your Organizational Health section, check the Display Dashboard permission.

  3. Click Update.

Users with the role you have modified will now have access to the organizational health dashboard.

Other users will not see this module in their menu. By default, only the results of their team will be accessible for managers after following these steps.

Configuring the Dashboard

To configure the dashboard, access it through Results → Your Organizational Health. When activated, the dashboard will be empty.

Click on Settings and follow the instructions on the screen to select the questions that will be included in the dashboard.

Note: Specialized questions have default sub-questions to capture additional information from employees when they provide positive or constructive feedback. You will need to select each sub-question to identify the one that mentions positive feedback and the one that mentions constructive feedback.

It is also possible to select questions from multiple surveys to compile data. In other words, if you have a TNR/eNPS question present in various surveys, you can now select them together to calculate the results on your Dashboard: Your Organizational Health.

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