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How the Recognition module works
Updated over 6 months ago

Amélio helps employers develop and sustain a strong culture of appreciation through simple actions.

The tool allows employees and managers to highlight the accomplishments of their colleagues by facilitating the sharing of recognition.

Here's how it works

There are two simple ways to offer recognition through Amélio: by making nominations at the end of a survey, or by sending spontaneous recognition directly from the platform.

Nominations at the end of the survey

At the end of engagement surveys, questions are asked to allow employees to nominate a colleague who has recently stood out and comment on their good work.

Amélio helps employers develop and sustain a strong culture of appreciation through simple actions.

The tool allows employees and managers to highlight the achievements of their colleagues by facilitating the sharing of recognition.

Here's how it works: There are two simple ways to offer recognition through Amélio, either by making nominations at the end of a survey or by spontaneously sending recognition directly from the platform.

At the end of the survey, questions will be asked to allow employees to nominate a colleague who has recently stood out and comment on their accomplishment.

The nominations will then be displayed on the dashboard of the employees concerned, and the manager of the employee who receives this recognition will also be notified to allow them to congratulate their employees for their achievements.

When can nominations be made?

Nominations are made only at the end of the survey based on the question of the week that is asked.

When are the nominations sent?

Nominations are compiled throughout the week and are sent on Friday at noon.

The user who receives nominations will receive an email informing them, and the manager will also receive an email for the nominations received by their employees.

Can nominations be personalized with a comment?

Yes, the screen will ask if you would like to add comments after nominating someone. When a comment is added, it is treated as a recognition and will be sent immediately.

The nomination will be sent on Friday with the others. When nominating someone, it is not mandatory to add a written comment.

For example, you can only identify a person in the nomination question.

Employees and managers can share their colleagues' achievements at any time using the Recognize a colleague tool on their dashboard or directly from the Recognitions tab.

Who can see the comments?

Recognition can be visible on the dashboard of certain individuals only or throughout the company. The person sending the recognition can determine this based on the following options:

  • Visible to the recipient only

  • Visible to the recipient's team

  • Visible to the recipient's department

  • Visible to the entire company

Customizing Notification Audience

💡Would you like all employees to receive a notification when recognition is shared with the entire organization? Follow these steps:

  1. From the left menu, select Administration > Customization;

  2. In the Recognitions tab, check the following options:

  • Allow recognition sharing to company-wide;

  • Allow emails when feedback share to whole company.

Customizing recognition cards

Here is everything you need to know in terms of cards customization: Customizing Recognition Cards

Who can receive recognition?

It is possible to send recognition to an employee, multiple employees at once, as well as to any group of employees.

This means that you can send recognition to a department, as well as to a group created using a custom attribute, for example to a specific service.

Here is more information about defining teams through the Amélio platform: How is your team defined in Amélio?

How can I view the feedback sent/received by an employee?

Using the search bar in the tab specific to this module, you can search for feedback received and/or sent by an employee. Among other things, this allows an employee to view his own feedback or a manager to view the feedback sent and received by his employees. Confidentiality comes first, so it will not be possible for a manager to view an employee's feedback that has not been shared with him, for example, because the employee reports to another manager and has shared his feedback exclusively with his team.

Using the module

The module requires that employees have access to the Amélio platform to view highlighted recognition and comment on them at any time.

To activate this module, contact your Amélio partner or email us at [email protected]

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